Neighbourhood Spotlight

Bells Corners

Bells Corners

The area of Bells Corners is a unique neighbourhood in Ottawa. With historical roots in farming, a boom in technology jobs put Bells Corners on the map. Today, residents of Bells Corners appreciate the mix of modern growth with a rural aesthetic. Perfect for fans of outdoor activities, let's explore what life is like in this charming place.

Bells Corners' Best Buys

Key Features of Bells Corners

Astounding Amenities

Beginning in the 1950’s, Bells Corners started expanding with modern suburban housing developments. Different areas took shape, and that expansion provided excellent homes for sale at various price points. Bungalows and detached homes are popular, with many people viewing Bells Corners as an ideal retirement destination.

Leisurely Lifestyle

As Canadian technology icons became famous in Bells Corners, the area rapidly modernized from the once-rural farmland. Today, the heritage of those pastoral days is evident in the green spaces that border Bells Corners. Residents enjoy the relaxed pace of life and breathtaking scenery without sacrificing access to amenities.

Bells Corners at a Glance


  • Developed beginning in the 1950s
  • Bungalow style homes from the mid-$400,000


  • 15 minutes to City Centre
  • Abundant in recreation and entertainment

Bells Corners Attractions

Spotlights of Bells Corners

Area attractions 

Even with easy access to all of the big city attractions Ottawa proper offers, residents of Bells Corners find themselves with plenty to do. Go ice skating or play hockey at Bell Centennial Arena, one of the best in the area. Take the dogs out to Bruce Pit for a good run, or visit one of the many other area parks. If you’re curious about something larger than dogs, you can pet the alpacas at Maple Hill Urban Farm, and pick up some eggs while you’re there.

Shopping & dining 

Bells Corners is known for its commercial district that spans Robertson Road. Shoppers will find plenty of strip malls and shopping plazas, plus automotive-focused offerings, including car dealers, car maintenance services, and gas stations. Restaurants are interspersed with boutiques, beauty services, and medical services. You'll find everything from nail salons to the latest fashions and international markets. Local favourite places for dinner include authentic Thai and Indian dining options.

Parks & recreation 

It's so easy to get outdoors in Bells Corners! Surrounded on all sides by Greenbelt and farmland, this town is a tiny parcel of modernity in the center of the natural world. Bells Corners neighbours the Stony Swamp Conservation Area, full of trails, interpretive exhibits, and wildlife. There are several parks in Bells Corners itself, with trails leading into the abundance of outdoor recreation the Ottawa area offers, including the Trans Canada Trail and the Rideau Trail.

Make Your Move to Bells Corners

Ready to buy your dream home in Bells Corners? Ottawa Move would be more than happy to help you navigate the process from start to finish! Get in touch with our team to start your home search—we look forward to playing an important part in your next chapter!

Searching for a Home in Bells Corners?